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‘There is no institution like the Vatican in Islam that can excommunicate extremist Muslims’

There were some 13 million Muslims living in Europe several years ago, according to Pew Research Center, and several more million have come from Syria and Iraq over the last few years. Professor Egdūnas Račius of the Kaunas-based Vytautas Magnus University says that religion is not always the right lens through which to look at and make sense of the world’s Muslims. […]

Bashar al Assad and Vladimir Putin, photo

The ulterior motive behind Russia’s partial Syria withdrawal

With great fanfare and “surprise” Russia once again seemingly out-maneuvered Western leadership in Syria. While much ink has been spilled debating whether President Vladimir Putin is executing a sound strategy—or is merely a tactical opportunist—it is clear that he has achieved his primary strategic goal: making Russia geopolitically relevant again and forcing the West to begrudgingly accept that it must take into account Russian interests. But there is an ulterior motive to Putin’s partial withdrawal. […]

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Turkey to translate Koran into Lithuanian

Turkey‘s Directorate of Religious Affairs is to translate the Koran into the Lithuanian language. The Muslim Holy book was first translated to Lithuanian language in 2008 by poet Sigitas Geda. […]

Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė

Opinion:Political Correctness – a road to hell paved with good intentions

A year ago, when Islamist radicals shot and killed eight members of Charlie Hebdo’s editorial office, Europe bravely stood up for freedom of speech and declared it would not be intimidated. A free press is exactly what separates us from undemocratic regimes, and we will fight for it. When those attacks happened, we couldn’t have dreamed in our worst nightmares that Europe itself would soon voluntarily give up freedom of speech, embracing a new era of political correctness where democratic states like Germany or Sweden would be reluctant to share the real truth. […]

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Lithuanian MP wants ban on wearing burqas in public, activists disagree

As Lithuania prepares to receive several hundred refuges, Artūras Paulauskas, chairman of the Lithuanian Seimas National Security and Defense Committee, suggests introducing a ban for wearing Muslim burqas in public, saying that they might pose threat to national security. […]