Jean-Claude Juncker
European Union

Juncker warns Moscow that EU borders are ‘untouchable’

European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker warned Moscow Wednesday the security of European Union member nations was sacrosanct, amid growing alarm in eastern states over the crisis in Ukraine. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė
Foreign affairs

President Grybauskaitė: Most important EU issues will be discussed in Aachen

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė is going to Aachen, Germany, on Wednesday to attend the Charlemagne Prize award ceremony. She is invited to take part in the festive events as laureate of the Charlemagne Prize 2013. […]

Ukrainos vėliava
Foreign affairs

Lithuania, Italy deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine

Lithuania will deliver a shipment of humanitarian aid worth EUR 83,532 in response to the appeal of the Head of the European Commission DG for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, Lithuania’s MFA said. […]

European Union

Baltic and Finnish farmers send new assistance request to EU

Baltic States and Finnish agricultural organizations submitted a repeated appeal for help to the European Commission, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports. […]