Saulius Skvernelis, Ramūnas Karbauskis, Vytautas Bakas

Ruling party leader expects new parlt investigation commission to be set up

The leader of the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) expects the Seimas to set up a new parliamentary commission to continue the Committee on National Security and Defense‘s (NSGK) investigation into interest groups’ influence on political processes. […]

Saulius Skvernelis, Ramūnas Karbauskis, Dalia Grybauskaitė

L. Bielinis on NSGK investigation: we are witnessing just the start of a conflict

The Seimas National Security and Defence Committee (NSGK) parliamentary investigation and the accompanying “Farmer” and Conservative urgings to take up deeper analysis only show that this is simply the first stage of a conflict between […]

Saulius Skvernelis, Ramūnas Karbauskis

Lithuania’s ruling party leaders call for new probes into business influence on politics

The leaders of the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) on Thursday called for new investigations into businesses’ influence on politics. […]

Vytautas Bakas

MG Baltic, Leo LT’s damage to Lithuania worth millions, NSGK chair says

The damage of MG Baltic deals and the Leo LT story to the State of Lithuania could be worth “millions of euros”, therefore, attempts will be made to recover the money, Vytautas Bakas, chairman of the Lithuanian parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense, says. […]