Lithuanian Army Chief Valdemaras Rupšys. Photo MoD.

Army Chief on drills in Belarus and unprecedented number of Russian troops: different nature and different objectives

The large-scale joint Russian-Belarusian military drills that started on Thursday in Belarus are also taking place just 10 kilometres from the Lithuanian border. Lithuanian Armed Forces Commander Valdemaras Rupšys has assessed the risk of possible […]


Russian troops could invade Ukraine at any time: Lithuania increased its military readiness

According to experts who closely monitor the Kremlin’s actions, Russian troops could invade Ukraine at any time. And Lithuania has recently seen an increase in the number of visits by foreign politicians, all of them […]

Russian troops
Central/Eastern Europe

A culture of warfare adopted by Russia that we don‘t even understand

A Prussian culture of warfare, which is entirely atypical for the West, is typical for Russia and so, we often fail to understand Moscow’s aims and modus operandi. This culture is naturally exclusively goal-oriented. If […]

Belarus President A. Lukashenko and Russian President V. Putin
Central/Eastern Europe

Will the sanction clouds darken Belarus’ skies and two potential scenarios

If sanctions could help replace the political regimes in Russia and Belarus, I would approve even their most severe variants, Mečys Laurinkus wrote in Unfortunately, the sanction cascades against Russia have thus far ended […]