Audronius Ažubalis
European Union

A. Ažubalis – I won’t give up my state

In the context of this pandemic, we tend to hear more active calls by Western politicians for urgent transformation of the European Union, i.e. achieving deeper political integration, which would supposedly meet the dynamics in […]

Foreign affairs

Lithuanian, Italian presidents discuss military, energy security issues

The Lithuanian and Italian presidents discussed military and energy security issues and cooperation within the European Union as they met in Rome on Friday. […]

Shanghai Expo 2010

Lithuania to present Expo pavilion at Vilnius Town Hall

Lithuania’s pavilion to take part at the Expo 2017 world exposition opening in Astana in two weeks will be presented at the Vilnius Town Hall on Monday. […]

Crimea was annexed by Russia in 2014

Italian region votes to recognise Crimea and scrap Russian sanctions

A council in Italy’s north-eastern Veneto region has voted to recognise the Crimea as a part of Russia and has urged Italy’s national government to abandon sanctions against Russia. […]