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Finland, Sweden pushed closer to NATO by Russian pressure

Every year, Estonia holds special military exercises called Spring Storm. The exercises are for those conscript soldiers who have just completed their term of service. This is their graduation event. […]

Defence Minister Juozas Olekas

Nordic defence ministers agree to step up security and defence cooperation

On 10 November, defence ministers of NB8 (Nordic-Baltic Eight) countries approved Lithuania’s and Sweden‘s proposals on strengthening Nordic-Baltic defence cooperation. Ministers agreed to enhance the cooperation in areas like hybrid warfare, cyber security, joint exercises and operations, updates and procurement of weaponry, rendering assistance to Georgia and Ukraine under the Nordic-Baltic Assistance Programme, and others, the Ministry of National Defence said. […]

Lithuania and Sweden to strengthen security and defence cooperation

On 24 September Deputy Minister Marijus Velička underscored Lithuania’s intent to strengthen military cooperation with Sweden and other Nordic countries in a range of areas at a meeting with State Secretary Jan Salestrand of Swedish Ministry of Defence at the Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania. “Nordic-Baltic cooperation is a crucial factor of ensuring security in the region,” the deputy minister of national defence said. […]

Kremlin's propaganda on Youtube

Nordic and Baltic officials call for fight against propaganda

On 23-24 March in Copenhagen, political directors of the Nordic-Baltic Eight (NB8) discussed regional issues, challenges to Ukraine‘s security and territorial integrity, preparations for the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga, prospects for relations with Russia, ways to increase resilience to propaganda of the societies, as well as threats of terrorism and the spread of radical Islamic ideology, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. […]

Prime Minister of Finland Alexander Stubb

Northern Future Forum discusses innovative business training and Britain’s drive to reform EU

Northern Future Forum (NFF) took place on 6 and 7 November in Helsinki. The Prime Minister of Finland, Alexander Stubb, had invited the prime ministers of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom to discuss educational competitiveness, and promote innovative business activities. […]


Five Lithuanian entrepreneurs appear on Nordic’s Business Report for 30 under 30

Nordic Business Report produces rankings of influential people in the business sphere. „In 2011 we ranked the greatest business thinkers in Finland, and in 2012 – in the whole Nordics. This year we decided to rank the younger generation – the people who really show us the trends of future. The scope was also upgraded significantly. We ended up having whole North Europe covered in this 30 under 30 ranking: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia”, says Hans-Peter Siefen, founder and CEO of Nordic Business Forum. […]

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NB8 parliament speakers to meet in Palanga

On 18-20 August 2014, Lithuanian resort town Palanga will host the annual Conference of the Speakers of the NB8 (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) Parliaments, the press service of the Lithuanian Parliament informs. […]