
Experts on what action Šimonytė should take: how could it affect the Conservatives?

Last week, two striking episodes rocked the national political landscape – the ongoing issue of the transit of Belaruskalij fertilisers through Lithuania and the periodic defections of politicians from the largest opposition party, the Lithuanian […]

Presidential candidates

These presidential elections will be different: intrigue awaits

The nearing presidential elections will be rather different to the past two. In 2009, there was a clear leader and a second round wasn’t even needed, while in 2014 a second round did happen, but there was very little intrigue, lrt.lt writes. This time, however, things will be interesting – it will definitely be a new politician, who will arrive in Daukantas Square. Will this bring about greater voter turnout? […]

No Picture

Founding and operation conditions for civic electoral committees should be more similar to parties’ – political scientist

With a third more civic electoral committees aiming to participate in the municipal elections than during the last, Seimas Speaker Viktoras Pranckietis has stated that the conditions for establishing and operating parties should be simplified or made alike those of the committees. Political scientists believe otherwise – that committee founding and operation conditions should be made more akin to parties, whose accountability to voters is greater, lrt.lt writes. […]