
Kazakhstan’s Parliamentary Election: Hope For Real Change

Kazakhstan is preparing for an important political event – a parliamentary election planned for March 19. This date is already significant to the Kazakh people because it was on March 19, 2019, when Kazakhstan’s first […]

The Kremlin

Политикам И Общественности Запада

Дорогие друзья! Мы обращаемся к вам именно как к друзьям потому, что все, подписавшие этот текст являются сторонниками европейского пути России, противниками политики Путина и с самого начала решительно выступали против развязанной им войны с […]


How to Choose the Best International Credit Card for Students

Moving abroad has its fair share of challenges. Most international students have to struggle with adapting to a new culture while also managing their school work. However, having your finances under control is very important. […]


Western businesses are hesitant to invest in Lithuania due to its proximity to Russia

Loans are getting even more expensive – the European Central Bank has raised interest rates again, and that’s not the end of it. And it’s not just people’s pockets that are emptying. Businesses have spoken […]

The Moscow Kremlin

Прощание с иллюзиями

Кажется совсем недавно мы все радовались за Нобелевскую премию «Мемориала», и возможно рассчитывали, что это хоть как-то положительно подействует на внутреннюю ситуацию в стране. Воды утекло совсем не много, даже снег не успел растаять, а […]

The Moscow Kremlin

Farewell to illusions  

It seems that not so long ago, we were all rejoicing at Memorial’s Nobel Prize and perhaps hoping that it would somehow positively affect the country’s internal situation. Unfortunately, not much water has flowed, and […]