
Lithuanian startup gets wind in its sails at international sailing exhibition

Lithuanian start-up has attracted major interest from the sailing market with an innovative, battery-saving and comparatively inexpensive smart sail racing device that feeds data from a boat’s sensors to mobile devices to improve performance. […]


Will Lithuanian startup Yplan become first billion dollar company?

Lithuanian start-up YPlan, an event discovery and booking app created by two Lithuanians in London, has gained recognition from one of the most influential technology blogs in the world – VentureBeat. The portal added the Lithuanian project to a list of 15 startups worth following. […]


Competition Council should keep an eye on the newest Teo purchase

IT and telecommunications company Teo has purchased 100 percent of the shares of the Lithuanian mobile service provider Omnitel from its current shareholder TeliaSonera. The move has provoked a lot of discussion in the Lithuania public sphere and that shouldn’t surprise anyone as the purchase is one of the biggest in Lithuania’s business history. Both companies are owned by Swedish Company TeliaSonera. […]

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Leading Chinese mobile solutions company Fun Guide to open Lithuanian office

Fun Guide, China’s leading mobile e-commerce and integrated mobile solutions company, has chosen Lithuania as the location for its first office in Europe. The company, which counts among its customers a number of big Chinese players including major banks, will open Fun Guide Europe, a Vilnius-based mobile software development and data mining office, this autumn. The company is now recruiting a team of talented software specialists in Lithuania who will be responsible for developing new mobile software for the company and will also carry out big data analytics. […]