Paris after the attacks
Foreign affairs

Lithuanian commentators on attacks in Paris: This is no time to abandon human rights

Lithuanian political scientists, journalists and politicians comment on the coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris which left at least 129 people dead. […]

Alexander Lukashenko

Lithuanian political scientist: politicians desperate to see change in Belarus but there just isn’t any

The recent presidential election in Belarus secured presidency for Alexander Lukashenko for the fifth term. Prior to the vote, the Belarusian regime released political prisoners, which the European Union took as a gesture of good will and is talking about suspending sanctions against Lukashenko and his officials. However, such optimism about change in Belarus is misguided, says political scientist Vytis Jurkonis of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University. […]

Vladimir Putin

Putin’s UN speech means Russia is back in the game

Vladimir Putin is back in the international arena. That is the significance of the Russian president’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly, says Lithuanian political scientist Gražvydas Jasutis. […]

Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin

Opinion: Is the West really about to betray Lithuania or Ukraine?

Last Tuesday, NATO decided to reduce the number of fighter jets stationed in the Baltic states as part of the NATO air policing mission. The number of fighter jets is to be cut from 16 down to 8. […]


Lithuanian political scientists divided on NATO’s Baltic air policing mission downsize

NATO‘s leadership decided to downsize the Baltic air policing mission in order to make rational use of resources, but Lithuania should not applaud it, as it reduces the Alliance’s visibility, says political scientist Gražvydas Jasutis. Meanwhile his colleague Kęstutis Girnius believes that the reinforcement has already served its purpose of reassuring the Baltic states and the decision makes good sense. […]

US President Barack Obama and Lithuania's Dalia Grybauskaitė
Foreign affairs

Why Lithuania is bound to be pro-American

There was a time right after World War Two when Lithuanians believed that the United States of America would swoop into a Soviet-occupied country and drive the Soviets away. These hopes were rather baseless, yet the USA did stand by its policy not to recognise the annexation of the Baltic states. The start of this policy is believed to be July 23rd, 1940, with the declaration to this effect by US State Secretary Sumner Welles. […]

Russian forces in South Ossetia

Opinion: A new test from Russia

A couple of days ago, on 10 July, news came that two new border signs sprang up in Georgia, declaring that here begins the “border of South Ossetia“. One of the signs moved about 300 metres from its original position into the zone controlled by Tbilisi, the other sign progressed forwards by about a kilometre. The new marking took away about ten hectares of territory from Georgia. […]

Ramūnas Vilpišauskas
European Union

Lithuanian political scientist says Greece will find it difficult to win allies in Europe

Lithuanian political scientist Ramūnas Vilpišauskas, director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University, says that the Greek government is realizing the ineffectiveness of its combative position and is now trying to look for allies in Europe. […]