Archaeological explorations of the complex of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius at Vokiečių g.13A @ Vilnius Municipality (9)

Archaeologists from Lithuania, Israel and USA exploring territory of the Great Synagogue complex

Vilnius which is changing every day makes every effort to preserve values of cultural heritage – archaeological explorations of the complex of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius (at Vokiečių g. 13A) started on 12 July, and on 2 – 6 September, creative workshops for preserving its heritage will be held. The restoration of the entire territory and the adjacent areas is planned by 2023. […]

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Jewish museum not planned at Vilnius Sports Palace – Prime Minister

A new tender should be called by this fall for construction of a Congress Center to replace the former Vilnius Sports Palace, Lithuania’s Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis says, adding that no museum of Jewish history would be opened there. […]

Photo from the personal archive of Sigitas Mikutis

75th anniversary of massacre of Jews in Šeduva, Lithuania

Lithuania’s Prime Minister joined dozens of people marking the seventy-fifth anniversary of the massacre of more than 650 Jews by Nazi occupiers and their local Lithuanian collaborators at the town of Šeduva on Tuesday. It was the third such event in as many days, coming after Holocaust-related commemorations in Biržai and Molėtai. […]

Vilna Ghetto. Yad Vashem Photo Archives

14-year-old chronicler of the Vilna Ghetto

More than seven decades ago, long queues of people would line outside the house number 4 on Žemaitijos Street in Vilnius. Each day, two hundred hungry and exhausted creatures came to the library of the Vilna Ghetto – not for bread, but for books. […]

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International team of scientists to investigate buried remains of Vilnius synagogue

A team of experts from the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel and Lithuania is starting to study the remains of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius and other ritual constructions buried under the ground.

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