Presidential candidate Donald Trump at the debates in Huston

Experts on whether Lithuania should be wary of Trump’s victory

How will Trump’s victory affect the world? And Lithuania? Lithuanian leaders hope that he will continue current American policy and will not sell Lithuania to Putin. Meanwhile some political scientists warn that it is no […]

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Putin’s Russia: Kremlin’s goal No. 1

This time I decided to take a closer analytic look and find an answer which becomes more and more important both in Lithuania and the Western countries when speaking about Kremlin’s aggressive actions. […]

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Opinion: Russia’s nuclear blackmail and new threats of covert diplomacy

The world has truly entered a new era. Even Russia‘s nuclear blackmail has become such an everyday occurrence that it sometimes passes underappreciated. One concludes thus after last week’s reports in British dailies The Times and The Independent about a meeting between Russian and US generals in March where Russia voiced threats of a nuclear response should NATO continue to deploy forces in the Baltic states. […]

Marius Laurinavičius

Many Russian spies are operating in Lithuania, expert says

A lot of Russian spies are operating in Lithuania, so it’s likely that the recently-detained Lithuanian Air Force officer worked for Moscow, says Marius Laurinavičius, an analyst at the Eastern Europe Studies Centre. […]

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Putin’s Russia. Roots of today’s regime date back to KGB under Andropov

In the articles of Putin’s Russia series I have repeatedly written about Yevgeny Primakov’s clan. I have described in detail the ongoing battle regarding the implementation of the so-called peace plan in Ukraine, and Primakov’s influence structures both in Russia and in the West. The article about Yevtushenkov’s case was also inevitably related to the information about Primakov’s clan because the oligarch was considered the member of this clan. […]

Yevgeny Primakov

Primakov clan’s trap for the West or a little about Putin’s peace roadmap

In the last essay of the “Putin’s Russia” series we have reviewed the assumptions that suggest that namely Rogozin’s clan was the main architect and executor behind the Ukraine’s events. Therefore it would be natural to explore which Russian government clans are the most active in opposing the aggression towards Ukraine, and how they do it. […]