European Parliament
European Union

Lithuanian MEPs have split opinion over EU refugee plan

At the European Parliament (EP) vote in Brussels on Thursday on distribution of 120,000 refugees among European Union (EU) member-states, the opinions of Lithuanian MEPs split. […]

Valentinas Mazuronis

Lithuania’s Labour Party threatens to leave coalition over deputy minister row

Following a conversation of Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius and Culture Minister Šarūnas Birutis, who was instructed to sack his deputy minister Vytautas Vigelis within a week, the Labour Party‘s leader Valentinas Mazuronis rushed off to the Government’s Office. The politician is convinced that the deputy minister was appointed lawfully, although the PM insists that Vigelis should be fired. […]

Andrius Mazuronis

MP Mazuronis joins Liberal Movement political group

Member of Parliament Andrius Mazuronis on Tuesday officially joined the Liberal Movement group in the Seimas, Lithuanian parliament, which now has 12 members. […]

Valentinas Mazuronis
European Union

MEPs say Germany discriminates against foreign road carriers

Member of the European Parliament Valentinas Mazuronis together with Slovakian MEP Richard Sulik have asked to include in the European Parliament’s plenary sitting agenda the issue of Germany‘s protectionist actions limiting competition among road carriers. […]

Nigel Farage during an interview in Vilnius
European Union

Lithuania’s euro accession a mistake – Nigel Farage

The leader of the Euro-sceptic group at the European Parliament (EP), Nigel Farage, says that Lithuania is making a mistake by joining the euro zone. […]