Mečys Laurinkus
Foreign affairs

Lithuanian foreign policy: a self-censorship problem

After almost twenty years of the voluntary political elite (with small exceptions), and sadly a considerable part of the journalists, being confined and avoiding discussions about Lithuanian foreign policy, some have started to suggest reconsidering […]


Emigrants, worried about BREXIT, rush to return taxes from UK

There is still a lot of unanswered questions about Brexit situation after 29 March 2019. This is the official date of UK withdrawal from the European Union. While there is little time left, there is no clarity about the conditions. Emigrants and Lithuanians who have already came back to Lithuania have a lot of questions about tax refunds. […]

Alexander Vershbow

European Defense: Time for a Higher Level of Ambition

President Donald Trump’s address to the UN General Assembly in September 2018 was a fresh reminder of the United States’ abdication of leadership and rejection of “globalism.” On more and more issues – trade, climate change, the International Criminal Court and, most recently, the Iran nuclear deal – the United States is becoming increasingly estranged from its traditional allies and partners. […]

Maidan Square 2014

The forgotten case of Ukraine

Something happened on the 5th of January. Between worries about Brexit matters, the usual Trump business and other terrible matters, something changed on that day. Two days before Christian Orthodox Christmas, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople signed the tomos of autocephaly for the newly created Orthodox Church of Ukraine. This was not only a step toward the independence of Ukrainian Orthodox believers, but all of Ukraine. […]

Kęstutis Girnius

Kęstutis Girnius. The restless year of 2019

The coming year will not be easy. Global economic growth is slowing. The trade wars started by the USA have calmed, but could soon flare again because President Trump is becoming ever less predictable. […]

Vytautas Sinica

Vytautas Sinica. Euro federalism is eroding the European Union

Compared to Lithuania, no other state better understood the fact that membership in the EU and NATO – especially NATO – was (and still is) essential to the country’s long-term survival and the assurance of national interests. It was this goal of achieving the membership that motivated and led Lithuania forward during its first decade of independence. Lithuania always associated NATO with safety and EU with welfare and benefits – and, sadly, better governance as well. […]

Dalia Grybauskaitė

D. Grybauskaitė: the EU will owe us

Lithuanian farmers will not receive the sort of direct grants from the EU as were promised already in 2013. “This means that the EU will owe us,” Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė told LRT Radio before departing to negotiations on the EU’s new budget. However, the situation could be even worse. According to the president, if the UK will not depart the EU as planned due to political chaos, the budget, which does not satisfy Lithuania already, will decline even further. […]

No Picture

Economist Vytenis Šimkus: how much might Brexit cost Lithuania?

The mists over the future of UK – EU relations currently still lingers. It appears that Theresa May’s cabinet is starting to completely lose control of the situation. According to political experts, the agreement she has obtained has practically no chance of receiving support in the UK’s House of Commons. The European Court of Justice introduced even more uncertainty on Monday, by declaring that the UK can unilaterally cancel the Brexit process, economist Vytenis Šimkus writes on Currently all the scenarios are plausible, but what could each of them means for the Lithuanian economy? […]

Lithuanian ambassador to the EU Jovita Neliupšienė
European Union

Agreement on EU’s next multiannual budget before mid-2019 tough to achieve: Lithuanian diplomat to EU

The European Union is facing tense negotiations on its next multiannual budget, and the goal to reach the agreement before the next European elections might be challenging to achieve due to various factors including Brexit, Jovita Neliupšienė, Lithuania’s ambassador to the EU, said on Tuesday. […]