
Achemos Grupė’s oil terminal sues Klaipėdos Nafta for EUR 6 mln

Krovinių Terminalas (Cargo Terminal), an oil product terminal owned by Achemos Grupė, last week turned to court over a deal between Klaipėdos Nafta (Klaipėda Oil) and Orlen Lietuva that allegedly violates the Law on Competition and restricts fair competition in the Klaipėda port’s light petroleum product market, the daily Lietuvos Žinios reported on Tuesday. […]

Klaipėda University

Klaipėda University to develop LNG centre of excellence

Lithuania is preparing to establish a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) centre of excellence in Klaipėda. Within a month, the heads of ministries will be presented a letter of intent signed with social partners and an activity plan for an LNG cluster. […]

Klaipėda LNG terminal

Third commercial LNG shipment on its way to Lithuania

The third commercial shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be delivered to the Lithuanian LNG terminal, the first such facility in the Baltic countries, this week. […]


LNG terminal brings EUR 5.4mn revenue to Klaipėdos Nafta in January

The Lithuanian company Klaipėdos Nafta in January reloaded 632,000 tons of oil products into its storage tanks of oil terminal and the Subačius fuel base, more by 59.2 percent compared to January 2014, when 397,000 tons were reloaded, the company said in a report. […]