Belarussian troops

Будет ли в Беларуси мобилизация? Что говорят власти и жители

Военнообязанные беларусы cмогут эмигрировать только с согласия военкомата, если власти одобрят изменения в закон о порядке въезда и выезда из Беларуси. 12 октября парламент принял его в первом чтении. 50 ополченцев на деревню Уехать жить […]

Belarus President A. Lukashenko and Russian President V. Putin

Может ли Беларусь напасть на Украину?

Беларусь участвует в агрессии России против Украины – подтвердил на на прошлой Александр Лукашенко. Значит ли это, что Беларусь планирует мобилизацию и нападение на Украину? Аннe Волынец oбъясняет историк и политический обозреватель Александр Фридман. В […]

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya in Lithuania
Central/Eastern Europe

The lonely people of Belarus on the margins of the EU-Lithuania political agenda

Two years after the fraudulent Belarusian presidential elections, the Belarusian constitution was changed on the initiative of Alexander Lukashenko, journalists and students have been sent behind bars for criticising Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and there […]

Lithuanian Army Chief Valdemaras Rupšys. Photo MoD.

Army Chief on drills in Belarus and unprecedented number of Russian troops: different nature and different objectives

The large-scale joint Russian-Belarusian military drills that started on Thursday in Belarus are also taking place just 10 kilometres from the Lithuanian border. Lithuanian Armed Forces Commander Valdemaras Rupšys has assessed the risk of possible […]

Dainius Žalimas

Assessing when Lukashenko’s hybrid attack might run out of steam: options for retreat are already being explored

Nearly two months have passed since a state of emergency was imposed on Lithuania’s border with Belarus due to an influx of migrants. On December 1, the Government proposed to extend it for another month, […]


When migrant crisis would trigger NATO Article 4: possible scenarios

Article 4 of the NATO Treaty. In November, more and more European countries, including Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, are talking about activating it because of the migrant crisis. What is this much-talked-about Article, what are […]