Andrius Kubilius

W. Europe needed a Marshall plan in 1947. In 2017 Marshall plan is needed for Ukraine

In 1947, following his return to Washington after the negotiations with Stalin and Molotov in Moscow, George Marshall, the famous US military leader and post-war Secretary of State, saw the need to promote economic recovery in Western Europe destroyed by war. This was seen as a stabilising factor and the only way to halt Stalin’s ambitions of expanding his political dominance to Western Europe. […]

A counter-terrorism police operation in Brussels
European Union

West must separate issue of counter-terrorism and Eastern aggression when it comes to Russia – analysts

In the eyes of much of the West, Russia‘s image has changed from that of an aggressor to that of an important partner in the fight against terror, says Eastern Europe Studies Centre analyst Linas Kojala. […]

Andrzej Duda

Sanctions on Russia must be extended, Polish president says

Polish President Andrzej Duda believes that sanctions imposed on Russia should be prolonged as the Minsk Agreements are rather unlikely to be implemented on time. […]

Federica Mogherini

Mogherini in Vilnius: Ukraine truce still in place

The ceasefire in Ukraine is still in place, but local elections in Donbass must be held based on Ukrainian law, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said in Vilnius on Monday. […]

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko

Ukraine official says Kiev is getting weapons from EU

Ukraine is receiving weapons from some European Union countries, according to Ukraine’s deputy head of the president’s administration. […]