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NASA to use new Lithuanian technology to detect injuries

NASA scientists are looking at using a technology invented by Dr Arminas Ragauskas, professor at Department of Telecommunications at the Kaunas University of Technology, to detect head injuries among astronauts. […]


Competition Council should keep an eye on the newest Teo purchase

IT and telecommunications company Teo has purchased 100 percent of the shares of the Lithuanian mobile service provider Omnitel from its current shareholder TeliaSonera. The move has provoked a lot of discussion in the Lithuania public sphere and that shouldn’t surprise anyone as the purchase is one of the biggest in Lithuania’s business history. Both companies are owned by Swedish Company TeliaSonera. […]

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Bite Lithuania launches unlimited mobile internet plan

Mobile operator Bite Lithuania has introduced its new unlimited mobile internet tariff for retail subscribers, said. […]


Over half of Lithuanians use internet daily

Internet usage has become very widespread amongst the EU population, and not only are more and more people using the internet, but they also use it more and more often, with almost two-thirds (65 percent) of individuals aged 16 to 74 in the European Union using the internet daily in 2014, compared with less than a third (31 percent) in 2006. During the same period, the percentage of individuals in the EU that have never used the internet dropped from 43 percent in 2006 to 18 percent in 2014, Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU announced. […]

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 arrives in Lithuania

Telecommunications company Omnitel has officially announced the launch of sales for Apple’s newest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus smartphones. […]